April 20, 2020
Dear Friend,
Where does one begin? So many thoughts, so many emotions—all at once, in me and you, all Americans and peoples of all nations around the world. Where we are now is not where we were one month ago when we began the season of Lent – a time of testing and a time of purification. The number 40 in the season of Lent is more about an ‘extended period of time’ than a mathematical number of days. This Lent will be remembered for decades and no one knows when it will end. We know that when it ends there is a resurrection, a rebirth, a renewal. There will be a new America and a new Church. The Easter season we are now in is 50 days. In my Easter homily, I said that this will be a season of HOPE. St. Paul says HOPE does not disappoint. We are already seeing the HOPE of resurrection dawning in our nation’s economy. Let’s pray and see what hope will bring through all the efforts that have been harnessed against this “invisible enemy”.
Unlike small businesses and large corporations, the work of the Church on the local parish level will go on in spite of this crisis, but we need your help NOW more than ever. Americans are a generous people. Our parishioners are generous. With the strong encouragement of the Archdiocese, we have applied for an SBA grant that was passed by Congress for small businesses including faith-based organizations and non-profits with the proviso that we not lay off or furlough any existing employees (we have 8), this grant will be forgivable by the federal government. It will be used exclusively for the payroll of our staff for a 10 week period. Last Friday we heard back from TD Bank about our application loan and was told that the SBA is no longer receiving applications. We believe that this week the Congress will pass the second phase of the SBA loans and hopefully, we will then be approved for the loan we applied for. Thus, I am making this urgent appeal as we work toward not only reopening our economy but reopening the very life of our parish.
Typically our parish collects in the Sunday offertory $13.5K. To date we have held no Sunday Masses on March 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12, and 19 thus losing parish income of $80K over the past six weeks, Thus I am making this urgent appeal. I cannot make this appeal to you without first responding to it myself. For the next two months (March and April) I pledge to the parish to forego my monthly salary of $2,800 and live on my social security income and Mass stipends.
The Church remains OPEN for prayer throughout the day, a private Mass (live-streamed but with no congregation present) is said every day. Even though you can’t be with us for now, as your own extended family, not being able to touch, hug, or kiss one another, so are you missed with your smiles, laughs, hugs, and high-fives. Like the rest of the town, the church grounds without people is meaningless. We need to restore that which we lost from this virus.
First I would ask all parishioners, who regularly use envelopes for their Sunday offering, to send their envelopes back ASAP. Send them to:
St. Augustine Church
140 Maple Ave, New City, NY 10956.
If you don’t use envelopes, and you are receiving this message, please send as generous a contribution as your circumstances allow at this time. May I be so bold as to suggest $200.00 for the past six weeks which would include a special gift for Easter. Remember, we rely heavily on both the Christmas and Easter collections.
At a crisis moment like this, you can see why we have encouraged parishioners over the past few years to financially support the parish through online giving and not envelopes. Those parishioners who do not get envelopes but just drop their offering in the basket, I would strongly encourage you to begin NOW with online giving. Whether you are sick, or on vacation, out of town or suffering through any sort of catastrophe, you can be assured of your support to the parish being made weekly. With any phone, computer or tablet, visit our website staugustinenewcity.org/give. Enter your donation amount and frequency along with your payment and billing information. Press MAKE DONATION . If you would like to set up a recurring donation for the second collection repeat the form.
I remember you all at the altar each day when I celebrate our live-streamed Mass at 12 Noon. Please remember me and all the parish staff. We’re living through a prolonged Holy Saturday. HOPE is on the horizon. Each day is a new day when we will return to a “new normal”.
If I or the parish can be of any help don’t hesitate to call me at
(845) 661-6373.
Until we meet again,
Father Bill