A few years ago we had a major capital campaign to raise $1.6 million for paying off debts on the church, the new parking lot, as well as the renovation of the parish rectory which was built in the 1920’s and has had minimal renovations. After 12 months of preparation we are ready to completely renovate the rectory starting at he end of this month. This renovation will be a “gutting” of both floors of the rectory and will include installing new HVAC, plumbing, and electric. It will include both the interior and exterior and should take approximately 6 months for completion. During that time Fr. Michael and I will be living at St. Francis of Assisi rectory and commuting to the “office,” a mere 5 minute drive. We are very grateful to Fr. McKeon, pastor of St. Francis, for opening up his home to us during the period of renovation.